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Sustainability - green leaves

At PMK we are committed to making a positive impact on society and the environment.

Through various initiatives and partnerships, we strive to create meaningful change, empower communities, and contribute to a sustainable future.

Our CSR activities are diverse and impactful, covering areas such as education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and community development.


Every initiative counts. Let's continue to inspire positive change, together.

Empowering change through eco-friendly practices

At PMK, we believe in harmonizing tradition with environmental stewardship. Our distillation processes are designed with a conscious effort to reduce our carbon footprint, minimize waste, and adopt eco-friendly practices that prioritize the health of our planet.


Green area preservation

We have a plantation drives scheduled every 6 months both within and outside the plant to support ecosystem restoration.


Water management

Our plant is a zero-discharge plant. As a wastewater management initiative, we have installed Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP) and Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) that are used to recycle waste water for further use in gardens and washrooms. We have also created water harvesting pits and recharge units within the plant premises. 


Energy conservation

Our plant is a solar powered plant which helps in reducing our carbon footprint and contributes to environmental conservation.

Sustainable sourcing for a brighter tomorrow

From raw materials to packaging, we prioritize responsible sourcing. We consciously make use of recycled bottles in our production process. Our commitment extends to working closely with suppliers who share our values, ensuring that every element in our production chain aligns with ethical and sustainable standards.

Building resilient communities

Beyond commercial growth, PMK is dedicated to uplifting communities. Through our charitable trust, 'Putta Vijayalakshmi Seva Society', we actively engage in initiatives that contribute to education, skill development, healthcare, and the overall well-being of the communities we touch.

At PMK Distillations, we recognize the vital role women play in driving sustainable development and fostering inclusive communities. In our manufacturing facility, we are proud to have a 70% workforce comprised of women. By fostering inclusivity and empowering women, we strive to create a workplace and society where everyone can reach their full potential.


Eye Care Health Camps

We believe that access to quality eye care is essential for overall well-being. Through our Eye Care Health Camps, we offer a range of services, including eye care education, comprehensive eye examinations, and medical assistance. These camps serve as a platform to raise awareness about the importance of eye health and provide necessary support to those in need to maintain good eye health and prevent vision-related issues. 


Fire and Safety Training

We are committed to promoting fire safety within communities through Fire Safety Training programs. These initiatives aim to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to respond effectively in the event of a fire emergency.

Through Fire Safety Training, participants learn essential fire prevention techniques, evacuation procedures, and how to operate fire extinguishing equipment safely. Moreover, these training programs serve as a proactive measure to protect lives and property, fostering a culture of safety and preparedness within the community. 


Cultural Celebrations

We celebrate festivals with communities and nearby villages that not only enriches the cultural fabric of society but also serves as a catalyst for community development and engagement. These celebrations serve as occasions for people to come together and build stronger social connections.

Leading with integrity and purpose

Integrity is at the core of our business. We adhere to ethical business practices, ensuring transparency, fairness, and accountability in all our interactions. Our commitment to social responsibility goes hand-in-hand with our dedication to ethical conduct.

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